Sunday, February 3, 2008

It was a blizzard, yes blizzard. Sunday morning, we woke up to 2 or 3ft. of snow in our front yard.

I had Jennifer stand by the snowdrifts so you could get some kind of perspective, on how much we cut out.
It was so amazing, they canceled church today, because no one can get out of their driveways or get into the parking lot of the church.

And it is storming again tonight.
Thank goodness for snow blowers.
The young men of the ward came and got our snow blower and went around and helped others in the neighborhood. We even ran out of gas, because they ran it so much.
And then we went over to Jennifer’s and Ryan’s and helped dig them out.
This storm was so amazing, even the snowplow got stuck, and two fire trucks came to help pull it out.

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