Thursday, August 21, 2008

OUR Little dog

Right after dad went to work to day, our little dog found his shoe
and curled up next to it. and went back to sleep.
How would it be to be love so much as that?
H e loves Dad. You Should see what he does when he comes home from work at night.
He goes a Nuts and jumps all over him.
We all should be so loved.
I think it's the most exciting of that lettle dogs day.


It was Ryan's birthday

Happy Happy Happy

We had lots of fun and Grandpa picked out Ryans cak.

It was fun time at the caben this year.

The kids stayed at grandma's and we went to war the Candy factory

Spencer is so protective of bag of candy, this is a him trying to keep the others away.

what do you think of our lovely headwear ?

beautiful Celeste like the candy best of all.

emy is so busy doing her work. that is what ever she thinks needs to put in something that were taken out.